KU vs LE 2

1 min readSep 5, 2022

If KU would decide to walk away from the game right now he can do because in this fight he painted a great canvas.

Of course one could argue, what is the limit point of the stroke of the brush, when can absolute perfection be attained?
It can be attained any moment, any second. And especially in the way one rises and in the way one falls.
And we shall all fall.

That is not the question.

The question is: how do we fall and how do we rise?

If KU rises now he can rise as whatever he wants: be it philosopher, gardener, real estate agent,…what ever.
Because those that are on a path of ascension, they ascend wherever they are, the quick (necessary) falls they do, they perform. And in the quality of their performance one can see the shiny gold. And one knows, just by looking at it, when the shine of a light that is about to unravel its deep true meaning, one recognises its truth.

It’s One shiny truth.

Shining the truth in all who see it.

I’d say THAT, is the incredible performance of an artist that shines beyond his art.

Well done KU


Well done.

