On, Repeat

1 min readOct 3, 2022

The code for good driving, not goof driving, is not without the other.
If there were no other, there would be no code, no rules for conduit.

If I’m driving fast and comfortably, enjoying the ride, and I arrive at a junction.
At the junction there is a sign that tells me how I’m supposed to re-act.

There would be none of that if there were no other.
Perhaps even, and more likely, there would not be a car, there would not even be a me.

Driving empty streets, where my mind is my own, as is my fantasy.

As I know me or think to know me, I think of myself and myself only
Only, there would not be a myself if there were no other.

If there is no one out there,
there is no one in here.

In here

you repeat constantly to yourself

Look in here, that voice inside voicelessly yells.

Look in here

In here

Repeat that to yourself

And see how often you yell out this with invisible voice to yourself, to others, all the time.

Yet, and here comes the paradox,
all you do is look out there.

Now repeat that for me

